The Australian Government has announced the addition of new micro-credentials in IT and engineering, to help upskill and reskill workers as part of their ongoing skills development and learning journey, and to respond to industry skills needs and priorities.

Micro-credentials are typically ‘bite-sized’, modular learning and training of no less than an hour delivered online or in-person, or a hybrid of the two. They are usually additional or complementary to a full qualification and may be ‘stacked’ to form part of a full qualification. Micro-credentials are meant to be outcomes-based that is verified through assessment and certifies the attainment of skills, knowledge, and competencies at different levels of mastery or complexity.

Access to these government-funded micro-credentials is provided through the Government’s MicroCred Seeker website:

Please note that education providers may charge tuition fees for micro-credentials; however, eligible learners may be able to defer tuition costs through FEE-HELP. Learners may apply to undertake more than one available micro-credential.

The recent additions to the pilot program are listed below:

Field of Education Higher education provider Microcredential course title
Engineering and Related Technologies Bond University Digital Tools for Integrated Project Delivery
Engineering and Related Technologies Chisholm Institute Professional Certificate of Competency in Industrial Automation
Engineering and Related Technologies Chisholm Institute Professional Certificate of Competency in Industrial Production Process and Management
Engineering and Related Technologies Curtin University Timber Design for Residential Construction
Engineering and Related Technologies Engineering Institute of Technology Professional Certificate in Essential Practices for Electrical Safety, Earthing, and Lightning Protection
Engineering and Related Technologies Holmes Institute Flight Lab Single Engine Piston
Engineering and Related Technologies Monash College Pty Ltd Certificate in Strategic Decarbonisation Management
Engineering and Related Technologies The University of Queensland Principles of Wastewater Treatment
Engineering and Related Technologies The University of Western Australia Agricultural Technology
Engineering and Related Technologies University of Tasmania The essentials of autonomous systems and their applications in the maritime domain
Information Technology Box Hill Institute Cloud enabled infrastructure and Services
Information Technology Deakin University Emerging Technologies
Information Technology Flinders University Professional Certificate in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Information Technology Griffith University Cyber Security Analysis
Information Technology Holmes Institute Information Systems in Business
Information Technology La Trobe University Professional Certificate in Cybersecurity Principles
Information Technology University of Tasmania Industrial Cyber Security
Information Technology University of Tasmania Digital Capability for the Workplace (Community and Social Care)
Information Technology University of Wollongong Cybersecurity Essentials