Our tertiary education and training system must continually evolve to meet the ongoing pipeline of workers, with the right skills, that businesses require. Much-needed reforms are underway in both the vocational education and training and higher education sectors in the short term. However quality education and training over the longer term, that is relevant, flexible and connected to workforce needs, must be framed by future-facing structural change and strategies that progressively work towards defined outcomes.
Understanding the central influence people’s capabilities have on productivity and recognising that our education sectors are the primary developers of knowledge and skills, Ai Group sees that holistic approaches to education and training are needed to positively impact Australia’s skill levels and workforce resilience.
Key reforms include the implementation of a new Australian Qualifications Framework to allow for more flexibility in the way we combine the teaching of skills and knowledge, and a deeper understanding of the importance of context and application in education and training. Also needed is a coherent and connected tertiary education system with structures that facilitate student movement between the sectors required by industry that needs skills development straddling both the VET and higher education sectors as combinations of skill sets shift and incorporate higher level skills. Enhanced partnerships between employers and education and training providers will help to ensure that available training meets needs and is updated or developed where required.
The Centre works with governments, higher education and vocational education providers to drive connections with industry.
Get in touch with the Centre for Education & Training to discuss your company’s skills issues and plans, our research and reports, or the members’ network.
Address: Level 5, 441 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia
Phone: +61 (03) 9867 0226
Email: cet@aigroup.com.au
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