The Centre holds free monthly webinars, Member Forum consultations and Centre Network discussions in its role as a thought and action leader on education and training in the context of work.



Australia's opportunity: a skills and productivity agenda

Australia faces challenges arising from lagging productivity growth, but also has significant opportunities as we move towards the second quarter of the century. Productivity is important, because it enables sustainable economic and income growth. It is also integral to maintaining and improving living standards and quality of life. Productivity gains support the ability to invest in services such as healthcare, education and infrastructure.

In this webinar, the Ai Group Centre for Education and Training’s Executive Director Dr Caroline Smith will discuss the Centre’s recently released position paper Australia’s opportunity: a skills and productivity agenda, which addresses productivity in the Australian economy with a focus on a key driver of productivity – capability development.

Dr Smith will also be joined by Ai Group member Lesley MarchioroExecutive General Manager of People and Culture, SAGE Automation and Deputy Chair of the Productivity Commission Prof. Alex Robson to discuss the topic of productivity, with a focus on the importance of quality education and training systems for the skills and adaptability of our workforce and the Commission’s Advancing Prosperity 5-year Productivity Inquiry Report.


Contact Us

Get in touch with the Centre for Education & Training to discuss your company’s skills issues and plans, our research and reports, or the members’ network.

Address: Level 5, 441 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia

Phone: +61 (03) 9867 0226


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